Jun 21 – 25, 2021
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
Proceedings of the ANIMMA 2021 conference are now available online in open access: https://www.epj-conferences.org/animma-2021

#05-157 Radiation Hardness Test of a Silicon Detector under Radiation Dose Rate of Nuclear Power Plant for In-Containment Coolant Leakage Detection System

Jun 24, 2021, 5:00 PM
TAURUS (Clarion Congress Hotel Prague)


Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Poster 05 Nuclear Power Reactors Monitoring and Control 05 Nuclear Power Reactors Monitoring and Control


KIM, Jongheon (Department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang university)


An influence evaluation by background radiation on a silicon detector, which will be used to detect a coolant leakage, and be installed in a containment building of a nuclear power plant, was performed and the result was discussed. The detector that consists of a silicon sensor and preamplifier mounted in a shielding structure which composed of a 5 cm lead cylinder will be installed in an annulus zone that is influenced by background radiation (neutron and gamma ray) from an operation of a nuclear reactor. Absorbed dose rates on a silicon sensor and preamplifier were calculated as 4.17 mGy/hr and 2.1 mGy/hr, respectively, by Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) simulation. Data of background radiation had referred to a Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Korea.
A silicon sensor and preamplifier were irradiated by a 60Co gamma radiation source equipped in a facility of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Advanced Radiation Technology Institute (KAERI ARTI) of the Republic of Korea. A 210Po alpha source was used as a check source to evaluate a state of a function of the detector during gamma irradiation. Absorbed dose rates were about 22.92 mGy/hr and 6.6 mGy/hr on silicon sensor and preamplifier, respectively. Before and after gamma irradiation, a counts rate from the check source wasnt changed (from 18.4 cps to 18.4±0.2 cps after irradiation), and any degradations of function also werent observed. Even more harsh condition than calculated dose rates referred by the condition of background radiation of in-containment, the silicon detector maintained the ability of function of charged particles detection. Based on the result, it has been demonstrated that a silicon detector is a suitable detector for detecting charged particles from a leaked coolant even during interfered by the background radiation of a primary system of a nuclear power plant.

Keywords: Silicon detector, Irradiation test, Coolant leakage detection system

Primary authors

KIM, Jongheon (Department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang university) Mr PAK, Kihong (Department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang university) Dr PARK, Junesic (Department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang university) Prof. KIM, Yong Kyun (Department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang university)

Presentation materials