Jun 21 – 25, 2021
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
Proceedings of the ANIMMA 2021 conference are now available online in open access: https://www.epj-conferences.org/animma-2021

Virtual Conference Handbook (NEW)

Zoom Webinar

All contributions (Workshops, Short Courses, Oral presentations, Intensive Orals) will be broadcast via Zoom Webinar. Questions will be asked through Zoom Q/A tool. Discussions between the audience will use Zoom chat tool. 

Only registered attendees can access Zoom webinars!

ZOOM LINKS are uploaded in the conference Timetable. They are visible as paper clip in disabled "Detailed view"!

CONTRIBUTION MATERIAL is visible as paper clip in enabled "Detailed view"!

Full list of ZOOM links can be found also HERE!



To ensure flawless functioning and smooth experience throughout the conference, we kindly ask the speakers to download and install the latest Zoom Client for their operating system. Using Zoom from a web browser does not support all Zoom functionalities.

Furthermore, we take the liberty to remind some basics instructions and good practices for the conference:

  • In Zoom Webinar room configuration (Plenary sessions and Intensive Oral sessions)
    • You will not have access to your microphone nor your camera.
    • You can use the Zoom chat to discuss with the other participants but
    • Questions to the speakers must be written on the Zoom Q/A tool only. The session chairs will take care of them.
  • In Zoom Meeting room configuration (Oral parallel sessions):
    • Your microphone will be mute-on by default.
    • Please open it only if the chair invite you to speak.​​​​​
    • Questions to the speaker could asked by using the Zoom Q/A tool or the microphone after rising your (Zoom) hand.

And at last, we invite you to read carefully the “Code of Conduct”.