06 Severe Accident Monitoring
- Frank RUDDY (Ruddy Consulting)
- Abdallah LYOUSSI (CEA)
06 Severe Accident Monitoring: Parallel Intensive Oral Sessions
- Jose BUSTO (CPPM / Aix-Marseille Univ)
- Christian BOHM (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
Oral Session
During a severe accident in sodium-cooled fast reactors, jets of molten nuclear fuel may penetrate into the coolant resulting in fuel-coolant interactions (FCI). Experimental programs are being conducted to study this phenomenology and to support the models development for evaluating consequences of severe accident. Due to the optical opacity of the test section walls and sodium coolant,...
The High Temperature Irradiation Resistant thermocouple (HTIR-TC) is the only temperature probe proven to withstand both the high temperatures (e.g. >1290 °C) and high radiation (e.g. up to a fluence of 1E21 n/cm2) of nuclear reactor fuel design tests and/or over-temperature accident conditions. The HTIR-TC heat treatment, calibration, and in-pile performance during the Advanced Gas Reactor...
The study of accidental situations is one of the major asset for nuclear industry in guaranteeing the so-called regulated safety of its electricity production facilities. The Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is tested in experimental reactor and hot cell to verify the mechanical properties of the fuel rod, the safety criteria and the associated calculation codes. The VINON-LOCA experimental...
MERARG experimental loop hosted at the LECA-STAR Hot Laboratory (CEA Cadarache) allows characterizing nuclear fuels with respect to the behavior of fission gases during thermal transients representative of accident conditions such as for example loss of coolant accident (LOCA). MERARG loop consists of three main parts: 1- an induction furnace 2- a gamma spectrometry detector 3- a glove box...
The CABRI experimental pulse reactor, located at the Cadarache nuclear research center, southern France, is devoted to the study of Reactivity Initiated Accidents (RIA) for the purpose of the CABRI International Program (CIP), managed by IRSN in the framework of an OECD/NEA agreement. The hodoscope equipment installed in the CABRI reactor is a unique online fuel motion monitoring system,...
Polymer optical fibers (POFs) have been attracting substantial attention from research and industry thanks to particular mechanical properties, simple handling, biomedical compatibility and safety. Among POFs, cyclic transparent amorphous fluoropolymer (CYTOP) fiber demonstrates radically low attenuation in the telecom transparency windows of 850 and 1310 nm, thus becoming an efficient...
Since the Halden loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) test series IFA-650, a major safety interest has raised for Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation and Dispersal (FFRD) during a LOCA sequence. Besides the characteristics and the behavior of the fuel ejected from the rod after the clad burst, the occurrence of the ballooning, of the fuel fragmentation and of the possible fuel relocation within the rod...