Jun 21 – 25, 2021
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
Proceedings of the ANIMMA 2021 conference are now available online in open access: https://www.epj-conferences.org/animma-2021


Plenary Opening Session for Exhibitors

Jun 22, 2021, 4:20 PM
3rd floor (Clarion Congress Hotel Prague)

3rd floor

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Freyova 945/33 , 190 00 Prague 9 - Vysočany


Plenary Opening Session for Exhibitors

  • Abdallah LYOUSSI (CEA)

Presentation materials

BERTE, Diana (Instrumentation Technologies d.o.o.), BISIACH, Danilo (Instrumentation Technologies doo), CARGNELUTTI, Manuel (Instrumentation Technologies d.o.o.)
6/22/21, 4:30 PM
Oral presentation


MANGIAGALLI, Giacomo (CAEN s.p.a.)
6/22/21, 4:40 PM
Oral presentation


BURESOVA, Hana (NUVIA a.s.), NEZVAL, Radek (NUVIA a.s.), PEJZLOVA, Jana (NUVIA a.s.), SOBOTKOVA, Nikola (NUVIA a.s.)
6/22/21, 4:50 PM
Oral presentation


STEKL, Ivan (IEAP CTU in Prague)
6/22/21, 5:00 PM
Oral presentation
LYOUSSI, Abdallah (CEA)
6/22/21, 5:10 PM
Oral presentation
LERAY, Jean-Luc (IEEE-NPSS membership)
6/22/21, 5:20 PM
Oral presentation
PARIZEK, Jiri (CRYTUR, spol. s r.o.)
6/22/21, 5:30 PM
Oral presentation
Building timetable...