Jun 13 – 17, 2022
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
MEDEX'22 conference proceeding were published on February 11, 2025! Link: https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/issue/3143/1

Talk Preparation

  • All talks are scheduled for 30 minutes, giving you 25 minutes for the presentation, and 5 minutes for questions. Please prepare your presentation accordingly to strictly adhere to these time limits. If not, the presentation will be stopped due to the time limits.
  • We recommend to upload oral presentations in .pptx or in a high-resolution .pdf format, in English only. The PowerPoint layout should be in 16:9 format.
  • Please upload your presentation at least 24 hours before the start of your contribution as described in the “Material Upload”. The maximum file size should be 50 MB.
  • Please make sure the slides are numbered so that one could refer to a particular slide easily.

Material Upload

  • We request that all speakers upload their talks on INDICO 24 hours before the start of their contribution. To do so, select "Contribution List" on the left menu (1.), then select your contribution by clicking on its title. Your presentation summary will be shown, and next to "Presentation Materials" you have a pencil (2.) on which you can click to open a window which lets you upload any file (3.). In the upload window you will get an area where you can drag & drop your presentation (4.). Last step is to confirm the upload (5.).
  • Only MEDEX'22 participants will have access to the pdf/pptx files.