Jun 13 – 17, 2022
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
Deadline for submission of the conference proceedings: September 18, 2022 (extended)!

Toward reliable neutrinoless ββ-decay nuclear matrix elements: exploring the potential of measuring γγ-transitions in ββ final nuclei

Jun 15, 2022, 10:00 AM
Conference room (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague)

Conference room

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague

Husova 240/5, 11000 Prague 1
Oral presentation Theory Theory


Beatriz Romeo (DIPC)


Neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) is a proposed decay which turns out to be the most promising process to observe lepton number violation in the laboratory, and to establish whether neutrinos are its own antiparticle. Due to this unique potential, a very active experimental program aims to detect this rare decay. In order to plan these searches, reliable estimations for the decay lifetimes, which are known to exceed $10^{26}$ years, are crucial as well as to extract precise new physics parameters or constrains from these experiments. However, nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) are not well known, as state-of-the-art nuclear structure methods disagree in their predictions.

An alternative avenue to learn about $0\nu\beta\beta$ NMEs is to find other observables correlated with $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay that may be easier to access experimentally. In my talk, I will discuss results for double dipole magnetic transitions of the double isobaric analog state, which show a good correlation with $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay. This could be used to constrain $0\nu\beta\beta$ NMEs from measurements of nuclear 2\gamma M1M1 decays.

Primary author


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