Jun 13 – 17, 2022
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
Deadline for submission of the conference proceedings: September 18, 2022 (extended)!

Determination of a high neutron flux produced by a DT generator

Jun 17, 2022, 11:00 AM
Conference room (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague)

Conference room

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague

Husova 240/5, 11000 Prague 1
Oral presentation Experiment Experiment


Hans Hoffmann (TU Dresden)


Many of today's double beta experiments go deep underground in order to reduce cosmic backgrounds.
Neutrons still can origin from the surrounding rock. This motivates the investigation of neutron induced reactions on the present materials with thermal but also with fast neutrons. For neutron cross section measurements it is necessary to know the applied neutron intensity.
TU Dresden runs a DT neutron generator which is able to produce $10^{12}$ neutrons per second.
A $300\,$keV deuteron beam hits a tritium target. Via the 2-body-reaction $^3$H($^2$H,n)$^4$He, a quasi-monoenergetic neutron field of $14\,$MeV is produced. The neutron fluence can be measured via the activation method.
An exemplary irradiation procedure and neutron flux analysis will be presented. An Ar gas sample contained in an Al sphere was irradiated in a $14\,$MeV neutron field produced by TU Dresden's neutron generator. The sample was positioned in close geometry in order to gain a high neutron flux. Each 2 metal foils consisting of Al, Zr and Nb respectively, served as neutron monitors. After the irradiation, the monitors' activities were measured using a germanium detector surrounded by a lead shielding. An efficiency calibration of the detector was done using point sources of known activity and supported by simulations.

Primary authors

Hans Hoffmann (TU Dresden) Marie Pichotta (TU Dresden) Prof. Kai Zuber (TU Dresden) Dr Ronald Schwengner (HZDR) Toralf Döring (HZDR)

Presentation materials