Jun 23 – 27, 2025
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone
The Call for Abstracts will close on May 30th, 2025! No further deadline extensions will be granted!

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Information about Call for Abstracts and some requirements.

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts electronically through the Conference website. Only oral contributions within the conference scope are welcome. Authors are requested to submit abstracts no later than May 30th, 2025.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent to each author.

Abstracts (in English only) must be self-contained and between 150 and 200 words long. Abstracts should not contain any abbreviations, footnotes, or references. Each abstract should be a condensed and concentrated version of the full text of the research manuscript.

Filling out the form - Please note, authors should only be listed in the "Authors" field. It is not necessary to include authors in the "Content" field.

INDICO ACCOUNT at the utef.cvut.cz server is required in order to submit abstracts. You can create one here. Please note, sometimes INDICO registration verification emails could end up in your spam folder!

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.