Sep 4 – 8, 2023
Café Louvre Gallery
Europe/Prague timezone
The extended deadline for submission of the MEDEX'23 conference proceedings is November 17th, 2023!

Shell model neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix elements based on other observables

Sep 5, 2023, 1:15 PM
the Great Hall (Café Louvre Gallery)

the Great Hall

Café Louvre Gallery

Národní 22, 110 00 Prague, CR
Oral presentation Theory Theory


Javier Menendez (University of Barcelona)


Predictions of neutrinoless double-beta decay (0nbb) nuclear matrix elements are challenging, and markedly differ from each other when different many-body methods are used. One possible avenue to improve this current status is to use data from other observables related to 0nbb to test the theoretical calculations, and to use correlations of these observables with 0nbb matrix elements to predict them more confidently. In my talk I will present recent work focused on using nuclear spectroscopy data to test calculations and double-gamma and two-neutrino double-beta decays to predict 0nbb nuclear matrix elements.

In addition, I will discuss recent efforts to improve nuclear shell model 0nbb calculations. First, I will present nuclear matrix elements taking into account the recently acknowledged short-range contribution. Second, I will present a novel way to improve shell-model wavefunctions, by incorporating short-range correlations obtained from high-quality ab initio quantum Monte Carlo calculations.

Primary author

Javier Menendez (University of Barcelona)

Presentation materials