Sep 4 – 8, 2023
Café Louvre Gallery
Europe/Prague timezone
The extended deadline for submission of the MEDEX'23 conference proceedings is November 17th, 2023!

Probing nuclear and electroweak physics with coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering

Sep 6, 2023, 11:45 AM
the Great Hall (Café Louvre Gallery)

the Great Hall

Café Louvre Gallery

Národní 22, 110 00 Prague, CR
Oral presentation Theory Theory


Mattia Atzori Corona (University of Cagliari; INFN of Cagliari)


Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) is a weak neutral current process where the neutrino interacts coherently with the nucleus as a whole. It that has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to investigate nuclear and electroweak physics since its first observation in 2017 at COHERENT exploiting a CsI detector.
In this presentation, I will present the state-of-the-art results on nuclear and electroweak physics obtained with the latest CsI and LAr dataset.
These observations allow us to achieve a precise measurement of the average neutron rms radius of such elements, as well as intriguing determinations of the weak mixing angle at low energy.
We combine the CsI dataset with the atomic parity violation (APV) experimental result on Cs, deriving the most precise measurement of the neutron rms radii of 133Cs and 127I, disentangling the contributions of the two nuclei.
This analysis allows us to also obtain a data-driven APV+COHERENT measurement of the low-energy weak mixing angle with a percent uncertainty, independent of the value of the average neutron rms radius of 133Cs and 127I.
To conclude, prospects for the future will be reviewed, with particular emphasis on the current limiting factors and a list of desiderata to improve these measurements.

Primary authors

Carlo Giunti (INFN Torino) Prof. Francesca Dordei (INFN Cagliari) Dr Gianbattista Masia Prof. Matteo Cadeddu (INFN Cagliari) Mattia Atzori Corona (University of Cagliari; INFN of Cagliari) Dr Nicola Cargioli (INFN Cagliari; University of Cagliari)

Presentation materials