Sep 4 – 8, 2023
Café Louvre Gallery
Europe/Prague timezone
The extended deadline for submission of the MEDEX'23 conference proceedings is November 17th, 2023!

$\nu$DoBe - A Python Tool for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

Sep 8, 2023, 11:15 AM
the Great Hall (Café Louvre Gallery)

the Great Hall

Café Louvre Gallery

Národní 22, 110 00 Prague, CR
Oral presentation Theory Theory


Oliver Scholer (Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik)


We present νDoBe, a Python tool for the computation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) rates in terms of lepton-number-violating operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). The tool can be used for automated calculations of 0νββ rates, electron spectra and angular correlations for all isotopes of experimental interest, for lepton-number-violating operators up to and including dimension 9.

Primary author

Oliver Scholer (Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik)

Presentation materials