INNMEDSCAN Mid-term meeting co-organized on behalf of IEAP CTU in Prague and UWB FEE in Pilsen

Husova 240/5, Prague, 11000, Czech Republic
Michael Holik (CTU-IEAP; UWB-FEE), Ondřej Urban (University of West Bohemia)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchange (SE):



Mid term-meeting registration
    • Meeting (morning): Participant arrival & registration
    • Meeting (morning): Introduction
      • 1
        Official welcome by a representative of the hosting institution
        Speaker: Ivan Stekl (IEAP CTU in Prague)
      • 2
        Introduction by project COO/REA PO

        Purpose/goals of the meeting
        Short “round the table” presentation of the attendees (2 min max each)

        Speakers: Dr Katarzina Lyzon (REA, BE), Svitlana Lyubchyk (ULHT, Portugal)
      • 3
        Overall Progress on Project Implementation

        Secondments Plan, Deviation, Training, Transfer of Knowledge & Networking

        Dissemination & Communication Strategy

        Speakers: Jessica Flores (ULHT, Portugal), Svitlana Lyubchyk (ULHT, Portugal)
        • a) Secondments Plan, Deviation, Training, Transfer of Knowledge & Networking
          Speaker: Svitlana Lyubchyk (ULHT, Portugal)
        • b) DMP, Dissemination & Communication Strategy
          Speaker: Jessica Flores (ULHT, Portugal)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffe Break
    • Meeting (morning): Presentation of Partners Organizations: Progress beyond WP1 (Block 1)
      • 4
        Progress on WP1 - Overall presentation by WP1 Leader
        Speaker: Ercan Yilmaz (Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University)
      • 5
        Secondee presentation BAIBU Turkey Team
      • 6
        Secondee presentation IRP Azerbaijan Team
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Meeting (afternoon): Presentation of Partners Organizations: Progress beyond WP2 (Block 2)
      • 7
        Progress on WP2 - Overall Presentation by WP2 Leader
        Speaker: Dr Azer Sadigov (Innovation And Digital Development Agency)
      • 8
        Progress on WP2 - Secondee presentation
    • Meeting (afternoon): Presentation of Partners Organizations: Progress beyond WP3 (Block 3)
      • 9
        Overall WP3 Presentation by WP Leader

        UWB, CZ

        Speaker: Michael Holik (CTU-IEAP; UWB-FEE)
      • 10
        Progress on WP3 - Secondee presentations
    • 3:45 PM
      Coffe Break
    • Meeting (afternoon): Presentation of Partners Organizations: Plans for WP4 & WP5 (Block 4)
      • 11
        Overall WP4 Presentation by WP Leader

        CASCATA, PT

      • 12
        Overall WP5 Presentation by WP Leader

        UWB, CZ

        Speaker: Ondřej Urban (University of West Bohemia)
    • Meeting (afternoon): Meeting between seconded staff members and the REA Representative
    • Meeting (afternoon): Open discussions & Questions, Closing remarks
    • Gala Dinner
    • Workshop (morning): Participant arrival
    • Workshop (morning): Block 1
      • 13
        Facility excursion / Technology demonstrations
      • 14
        Round table discussion
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Workshop (afternoon): Block 1
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffe Break
    • Workshop (afternoon): Block 2
    • Dinner
    • Social Event